Thursday, May 21, 2009

Though it may not be a smooth process, to have daily operations to accomplish is a blessing. Curve balls add excitement and provide the opportunity to strengthen ones problem solving skills.
"Every man do them thing a little way different"- Israel Vibration said it best! With this fact comes the possible clash of "m.o.'s", modes of operation. Frustration blinds judgment, and can bring about irrational actions. Controlled breathing and realistic, mature thought can curb the results of frustration.
At the end of the day we are all here to serve a purpose. We may not have a full understanding of what purpose a certain person or incident may serve in our life. Savor the moment, the experience and analyze with clear eyes. Love and trust have become a far and fleeting occurrence in the present day, or at least their advertisement or stature in society has been overshadowed by their opposites.

You can download the Voice message by following the link:

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